5) Faik Nüzhet Oktar, Simeon Agathopoulos, L Sevgi Ozyegin, Oguzhan Gunduz, Nermin Demirkol, Yahya Bozkurt, Serdar Salman, "Mechanical properties of bovine hydroxyapatite (BHA) composites doped with SiO2, MgO, Al2O3, and ZrO2", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine.
4) S Salman, B Cal, O Gunduz, S Agathopoulos, FN Oktar, "The influence of bond-coating on plasma sprayed alumina-titania, doped with biologically derived hydroxyapatite, on stainless steel", Virtual and Rapid Manufacturing: Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping.
3) I Peker, O Gunduz, F Oktar, S Salman, S Agathopoulos, L Ozyegin, "Aluminium oxide hydroxyapatite composites", The Febs Journal.
2) S Daglilar, ME Erkan, O Gunduz, LS Ozyegin, S Salman, S Agathopoulos, FN Oktar, Water resistance of bone-cements reinforced with bioceramics, Materials Letters.
1) S Salman, FN Oktar, O Gunduz, S Agathopoulos, ML Ovecoglu, ES Kayali, "PART 1-II GLASS AND GLASS-CERAMICS-Sintering Effect on Mechanical Properties of Composites Made of Bovine Hydroxyapatite (BHA) and Commercial Inert Glass (CIG)", Key Engineering Materials.
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