Researcher, Center for Nanotechnology & Biomaterial Application and Research (NBUAM)
Department of Metalurgical and Materials Engineering
Nanotechnology, Microfluidic Systems, Biomaterials, 3D Printing, Tissue Engineering, Drug Delivery Systems
Address: Technology Faculty D105
Phone: +90 216 336 57 70 ext.1698
E-mail: sumeyyecesr@gmail.com
Dr. Songül Ulağ
Researcher, Center for Nanotechnology & Biomaterial Application and Research (NBUAM)
Department of Metalurgical and Materials Engineering
3D Printing, 3D BioPrinting, Biomaterials
Address: Technology Faculty D105
Phone: +90 216 336 57 70 ext.1698
E-mail: ulagitu1773@gmail.com
RA Eray Altan
Center for Nanotechnology & Biomaterial Application and Research (NBUAM)
Department of Metalurgical and Materials Engineering, Marmara University
Biomaterials, Nanotechnology, Tissue Engineering, Materials Science, 3D Bioprinting, Electrospinning
E-mail: eray.altan@marmara.edu.tr
Ayşe Ceren Çalıkoğlu Koyuncu
Researcher, Center for Nanotechnology & Biomaterial Application and Research (NBUAM)
Assistant Professor, Department of Metalurgical and Materials Engineering, Marmara University
Cartilage and Bone Tissue Regeneration, Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials, Polymer Scaffolds, Animal Cell and Tissue Culture, Stem Cells, Drug Delivery, Lentiviral Gene Transfer
Address: Technology Faculty D105, Göztepe / Technology Faculty T3-318, Maltepe
Phone: +90 216 777 3954 / +90 216 777 3951
E-mail: aceren@marmara.edu.tr
Dr. Zeynep Rüya Ege
Researcher, Center for Nanotechnology & Biomaterial Application and Research (NBUAM)
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Nanotechnology, Biomaterials, Smart Drug Delivery Systems, Medical Device Design and Hardware, Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, Tissue Engineering
Address: Technology Faculty D105
E-mail: zruyadeveli@gmail.com
Dr. Rıdvan Yıldırım
Researcher, Center for Nanotechnology & Biomaterial Application and Research (NBUAM)
Department of Bioengineering
Bioengineering, Electroanalytical Chemistry, Sensors, Drug Analysis, Scaffold Fabrication Techniques, Biomaterials
Adres: Teknoloji Fakültesi D105
E-posta: aridvany@gmail.com
Cevriye Kalkandelen
Researcher, Center for Nanotechnology & Biomaterial Application and Research (NBUAM)
Assistant Professor
Biomaterials, Bioceramics, Medical Technology Systems, Engineering, Orthopedic Biomaterials Design, Mechanical Characterization, 3D Printing.
Address: Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Vocational School Technical Science, Head of
Biomedical Device Technology Program, Buyukcekmece Campus, EA 104
Phone: +90 212 866 37 00 ext.44128
E-Mail: kalkan@istanbul.edu.tr
Website: http://avesis.istanbulc.edu.tr/kalkan/
Serap Ayaz Seyhan
Researcher, Center for Nanotechnology & Biomaterial Application and Research (NBUAM)
Assistant Professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Marmara University
Biomaterials, Drug Delivery Systems, Separation Techniques, Chromatography, Drug Analysis, Spectrophotometry, Micro and Semi-Micro Analysis Methods
Address: Faculty of Pharmacy
Phone: +90 216 4142962 ext.1158
E-mail: sayaz@marmara.edu.tr
Dilek Bilgiç Alkaya
Researcher, Center for Nanotechnology & Biomaterial Application and Research (NBUAM)
Associate Professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Marmara University
Biomaterials, Drug Delivery Systems, Separation Techniques, Chromatography, Drug Analysis, Spectrophotometry, Micro and Semi-Micro Analysis Methods
Address: Faculty of Pharmacy
Phone: +90 216 414 29 62
E-mail: dbilgic@marmara.edu.tr
Researcher, Center for Nanotechnology & Biomaterial Application and Research (NBUAM)
Associate Professor, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Yildiz Technical University
Cem Bülent Üstündağ
Researcher, Center for Nanotechnology & Biomaterial Application and Research (NBUAM)
Associate Professor, Department of Bioengineering, Yildiz Technical University
Research: Nanomaterials for biomedical applications, synthesis and applications of graphene and carbonaceous nanomaterials, nanocomposites, scaffold design, tissue engineering, 3D printing, drug delivery, and nanomaterials for environmental remediation.
Address: Davutpasa Cad. No.127, Department of Bioengineering, A-120, Yildiz Technical University, 34210 Esenler, Istanbul
Phone: +90 212 383 46 46 Fax: +90 212 383 46 25 GSM: +90 505 651 22 30
E-Mail: cbustun@yildiz.edu.tr, cbustundag@gmail.com
Website: https://avesis.yildiz.edu.tr/cbustun
This page updated by Center for Nanotechnology & Biomaterials Applications and Research on 19.03.2024 22:43:10